Emacs For Mac

This is 'Mac port' addition to GNU Emacs 26. This provides a native GUI support for Mac OS X 10.6 - macOS 10.14. Note that Emacs 23 and later already contain the official GUI support via the NS (Cocoa) port. Does anyone know any tricks for launching emacs with GUI on OS X with the standard command emacs? I'm a ten year Linux user and thought I would buy a Mac for a while to stay diverse. I can open files via emacs now with open file.txt, but that wont allow me to use debugging mode. Aquamacs is an Emacs for Mac OS X that will feel mostly like an Aqua program - while still being a real GNU Emacs with all the ergonomy and extensibility you've come to expect from this world-class editor.

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .


Download at http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/emacs/windows/

This is the official GNU Emacs, build for Windows by Free Software Foundation.

You'll see file names like these:

  • emacs-25.1-i686-w64-mingw32.zip
  • emacs-25.1-x86_64-w64-mingw32.zip
  • emacs-25.2-i686.zip

The “i686” means 32-bit. The “x86_64” means 64-bit.

To find if your Microsoft Windows is 32 or 64, press ❖ Window key, type “about” in the search box. It'll bring up “About this PC” window.Look for the line “system type”.

After download, right click “extract all” to unzip it.

Open the folder, open the folder named “bin”, click the “runemacs” to start emacs.

To uninstall, just delete the folder.

[see Emacs in Microsoft Windows FAQ]

Autocad viewer for mac free download User friendly: Customizable interface that is familiar to CAD users. FREE updates: All updates are free for one year using the purchased version. 30-day FREE complete trial: Test iCADMac and see how it compares before purchase. Economic and complete: iCADMac costs just a fraction of the cost of competitors, yet offers similar functions. Native DWG format: Fully compatible with AutoCAD ® files, no conversion required.


Emacs is installed on macOS by default, but a very old version, version22.1, dated 2007.

In terminal, type:

  • which emacs → check if emacs is installed and in your path.
  • emacs --version → print version.
  • emacs → launch emacs. (to quit, press Ctrl+xCtrl+cx)

Download Latest Emacs for MacOS

Download athttp://emacsformacosx.com/

This is plain GNU Emacs, built by David Caldwell.

Homebrew, Macports

Get emacs from one of the package managers.

  • Homebrew http://brew.sh/
  • MacPorts https://www.macports.org/


Build Emacs from Source Code

Download Emacs Binary from apt-get

In terminal, type:

  • which emacs → check if emacs is installed and in your path.
  • emacs --version → print version.
  • emacs → launch emacs. (to quit, press Ctrl+xCtrl+cx)

On Ubuntu, to check available emacs package version for install,

Typicall you install by

sudo apt-get install emacs26

, where the emacs26 may be other version.

Emacs Quick Start

If you have a question, put $5 at patreon and message me.
Or Buy Xah Emacs Tutorial
Or buy a nice keyboard:Best Keyboards for Emacs


Emacs has its own terminology for these concepts:

Common NameCommon KeyEmacs NameEmacs Key
Cut C-xKill-region C-w
Copy C-cKill-ring-save M-w
Paste C-vYank C-y
Yank next M-y

If you do not care for the DefaultKillingAndYankingkey bindings, then consider these alternatives:

  • PcSelectionMode – the Windows and Motif flavour with C-<ins>, C-<del>, and S-<ins>.
  • CuaMode – use C-x, C-c and C-v to copy and paste
  • CuaLightMode – something between PcSelectionMode and CuaMode
  • DeleteSelectionMode – DEL deletes the region; just typing replaces it.
  • WholeLineOrRegion – C-w and M-w act on the current line when TransientMarkMode is not active

X11 Copy & Paste to/from Emacs:

X copy and paste support has historically been a mess. This is relevant, as Emacs supports the various aspects of this mess.

Important for this discussion is the understanding that X generally distinguishes between two types of selection, the PRIMARY and the CLIPBOARD. Every time you select a piece of text with the mouse, the selected text is set as the PRIMARY selection. Using the copy function will place the selected text into the CLIPBOARD. Pasting using the middle mouse button will insert the PRIMARY selection, pasting using the paste function will insert the CLIPBOARD.

With this out of the way, starting with Emacs 24.1, GNU Emacs should already do the right thing here. If you dislike this behavior, there are two options you can customize:

  • x-select-enable-primary - default nil; set this to t if you want the Emacs commands C-w and C-y to use the primary selection.
  • x-select-enable-clipboard - default t; set this to nil if you want the Emacs commands C-w and C-y to use the clipboard selection.

Yes, you can have Emacs use both at the same time.

This does not affect pasting using the middle mouse button. By default, this uses mouse-yank-primary, which will only look at the primary selection. If you want the middle mouse button to insert the clipboard instead, use the following:

Finally, in other applications, pasting usually replaces the selected text with the contents of the clipboard. To enable this behavior in Emacs, use DeleteSelectionMode with the following:


Third party plugins


You can use https://github.com/rolandwalker/simpleclip which ALWAYS works.

Emacs For Mac

More specifically, for copy&paste, there are only two commands:


Read clipboard history from clipboard managers (Parcellite, ClipIt at Linux and Flycut at Mac). https://github.com/redguardtoo/cliphist


If it’s getting to be a bit of a hassle, use https://github.com/thomp/datclip to simply show the primary, secondary, and clipboard selections in the datclip buffer.


Emacs For Mac Os Download

Monitor the clipboard and insert any change into the kill-ring. It makes it easier to use yank-pop from several inputs outside Emacs. https://github.com/bburns/clipmon