Opencv For Mac

OpenCV released OpenCV-3.4.4 and OpenCV-4.0.0 on 20th November. There have been a lot of bug fixes and other changes in these versions. The release highlights are as follows:

Slideshow applications for mac. The Sidebar is Photos’ equivalent of iPhoto’s source list. Photos SidebarIn the Photos Sidebar, Control-click an album and choose Play Slideshow from the shortcut menu. (If you did have a thumbnail selected, only that image gets included in the show.)To play a slideshow of just a few pictures in the album, select their thumbnails first, and click play, Either way, the Themes pane opens; click Play Slideshow to start the show.To control the order of pictures inside each album, rearrange them in the album before you start the slideshow.

  • OpenCV is now C++11 library and requires C++11-compliant compiler. Minimum required CMake version has been raised to 3.5.1.
  • A lot of C API from OpenCV 1.x has been removed.
  • Persistence (storing and loading structured data to/from XML, YAML or JSON) in the core module has been completely reimplemented in C++ and lost the C API as well.
  • New module G-API has been added, it acts as an engine for very efficient graph-based image procesing pipelines.
  • dnn module now includes experimental Vulkan backend and supports networks in ONNX format.
  • The popular Kinect Fusion algorithm has been implemented and optimized for CPU and GPU (OpenCL)
    QR code detector and decoder have been added to the objdetect module.
  • Very efficient and yet high-quality DIS dense optical flow algorithm has been moved from opencv_contrib to the video module.

OpenCV is a BSD-licensed library for digital image processing which implements several hundred computer vision algorithms. Unfortunately compiling it on the Mac was not straightforward—requiring Fink or MacPorts —and the one existing Mac framework was out of date and no longer maintained. I have been trying to build openCV libraries which would be compatible for mac catalyst (iOS app built for Mac which is a new feature on iOS 13/Mac 10.15 beta) without much success. This is the command the python build script calls while building OpenCV framework for Mac. Xcodebuild MACOSXDEPLOYMENTTARGET=10.15 ARCHS=x8664 -sdk macosx -configuration Release -parallelizeTargets -jobs 12.

In this post, we will provide a bash script for installing OpenCV-4.0.0 (C++ and Python 3.7) on macOS – High Sierra and Mojave. We will also briefly study the script to understand what’s going in it. Note that this script will install OpenCV in a local directory and not on the entire system. Let’s jump in 🙂

If you are still not able to install OpenCV on your system, but want to get started with it, we suggest using our docker images with pre-installed OpenCV, Dlib, miniconda and jupyter notebooks along with other dependencies as described in this blog.

1. Install XCode

Hello everybody. I would appreciate if someone can help me with this. I have installed Opencv with python on a windows PC. No problem, I am trying to do the same on a mac. (snow leopard) However, I did the following: -Installed python 2.7 ( i know mac comes with python but i got recommended that i had to reinstall it) -Installed Numpy So if I do something like 'import numpy as np' in python. OpenCV On Mac: How To Get It Up And Running? OpenCV is a computer vision library used extensively by people in the computer vision field. Until a couple of years ago, OpenCV was a bit hacky and the usage was not very straightforward. But determined efforts by multiple companies finally standardized the process and now it is nice and clean. OpenCV is a highly optimized library with focus on real-time applications. Cross-Platform C, Python and Java interfaces support Linux, MacOS, Windows, iOS, and Android. In addition, OpenCV is used all around the world in fields such as mines inspection, interactive art, or map stitching on the web or through advanced robotics. Detailed instructions on how to. Installing OpenCV on Mac. UPDATE: Mavericks users were likely frustrated for the last few weeks trying to install OpenCV. It appears the problem has been fixed, and these instructions should work without issue.

Install XCode from App Store.

If XCode available on App Store is not compatible with your OS:

  1. Find XCode version compatible to your OS from this table
  2. Go to this webpage
    • Login if you have apple developer account else create your account and login.
    • Search for xcode and download the version compatible to your OS.
  3. Install XCode.
  4. After installation open XCode, and accept xcode-build license when it asks.

2. Install OpenCV

Now that XCode has been installed, we will move on to OpenCV installation.

First, let’s install Homebrew.

We will also add Homebrew to PATH.

Next we will install the requirements – Python 3, CMake and Qt 5.

We will also save current working directory in cwd variable and OpenCV version (master) in cvVersion.

Now, let’s install the Python libraries and create the Python environment.

Next, let’s clone the OpenCV github repositories.

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Finally, we will use CMake to build OpenCV.

And that’s it! By now you should have OpenCV installed successfully in your system.

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3. Test OpenCV Installation

3.1. OpenCV in Python

To use cv2 module in Python, we will first activate the Python environment.

Opencv For Mac

Next, let’s import the module and verify the OpenCV Version installed.

3.2. OpenCV in C++

To use OpenCV in C++, we can simply use CMakeLists.txt and specify the OpenCV_DIR variable. The format is as follows:

Make sure that you replace OpenCV_Home_Dir with correct path. For example, in my case:

Once you have made your CMakeLists.txt, follow the steps given below.

This will generate your executable file in build directory.

Hope this script proves to be useful for you :). Stay tuned for more interesting stuff. In case of any queries, feel free to comment below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Install Opencv For Mac

OpenCV is the world’s most popular computer vision library and it’s used extensively by researchers and developers around the world. OpenCV has been around for a while now and they add something new and interesting with every new release. One of the main additions of OpenCV 3 is “opencv_contrib” which contains a lot of cutting edge algorithms for feature descriptors, text detection, object tracking, shape matching, and so on. They have greatly improved Python support in this release as well. Since OpenCV is available on almost all the popular platforms, this version looks very promising. Let’s see how to install OpenCV 3 with Python support on Mac OS X.


CMake: Make sure you have cmake. If you don’t, you can download it from here. It’s a dmg file, so you can just download it and run the installer.

Install Python using Homebrew: This is an important step! Homebrew is a package manager for OS X that makes our lives easier in many different ways. Instead of using system Python, we need to use brewed Python (this is basically Python installed using Homebrew). If you don’t have Homebrew, you can install it using the following command:

Now that Homebrew is installed, let’s update it and install Python:

Open up your ~/.profile file and add the following line:

We need to reload the file to update the environment variables. Run the following command to do it:

Let’s confirm that you are using brewed Python. Run the following command from your terminal:

If you see “/usr/local/bin/python” printed on your terminal, you can proceed.

Download OpenCV 3.0.0: You can download it from here.

Mac Install Opencv Python

Download “opencv_contrib”: As discussed earlier, we can use the latest computer vision algorithms from “opencv_contrib”. It is basically a repository that contains state of the art algorithms. Bear in mind that some of them are not free for commercial use, but it is great tool to learn new algorithms. Download opencv_contrib from here.


We are now ready to build. Run the following commands from you terminal:


Let’s take a moment to understand what these flags mean exactly:

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE : We are telling cmake that we are building a “release” version of OpenCV.
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX : This is the directory where OpenCV 3.0.0 will be installed
  • PYTHON2_LIBRARY : This is the path to your brewed Python (Hombrew installation of Python)
  • PYTHON2_INCLUDE_DIR : This is the path to Python header files for compilation.
  • INSTALL_C_EXAMPLES : This flag indicates that the C/C++ examples need to be installed after compilation.
  • INSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES : This flag indicates that the Python examples need to be installed after compilation.
  • BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON : This flag indicates that we want to compile the included OpenCV examples.
  • OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH : This flag indicates that OpenCV should compile the extra modules (opencv_contrib) that we downloaded earlier.

Let’s go ahead and install OpenCV 3.0.0. Make sure you are inside the directory “/path/to/opencv-3.0.0/build” and run the following commands:

The “-j4” flag indicates that it should use 4 cores. We are not done yet! Let’s set the library path:

If you want to make it permanent, just add the following line in your “~/.profile” file:

We need to copy the pkg-config file “opencv.pc” to “/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig” and name it “opencv3.pc” so that it doesn’t conflict with our existing OpenCV 2.4.x config file:

We also need to update our PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to make sure it knows where opencv3.pc is located. Open up your “~/.profile” file and add the following line:

Reload your “~/.profile” file.

Let’s see if OpenCV with C++ is working:

If you see “Welcome to OpenCV 3.0.0” printed on the terminal, you are good! Let’s check the OpenCV-Python version:

You should see “3.0.0” printed on the terminal. If you see that, then you are done! You have successfully installed OpenCV 3 with Python support on Mac OS X. Let’s check if it’s working by using something that exists in OpenCV 3.0.0 but not in OpenCV 2.4.9. Go into Python shell by typing “python” in your terminal and run the following commands:

If the above line doesn’t throw an error, then you are all set! You have now successfully verified your OpenCV 3 installation with Python support.
